Frailcare Unit

Golden Harvest is justifiably proud of its first rate Frail-care facilities. The Clinic is a separate legal entity, a wholly owned subsidiary of Golden Harvest, and is run by specialized nursing sisters who are dedicated to the care and comfort of the Frail Care residents. The unit has both single and double rooms, some of which have ensuite bathrooms, and a high-care ward. Every room looks out onto the beautiful gardens. So that any residents who are bed-ridden can benefit from the tranquil view. The Frail Care unit can accommodate thirty-five residents, including five in high-care. Priority is given to Golden Harvest residents needing temporary or permanent care, but also admits people from outside the resort.

The physical, mental and spiritual well-being of the residents is of paramount importance to Golden Harvest. The Frail Care unit is the home of the residents and they are free to receive visitors at any time during the day either in their own room or in the communal facilities; to invite their guests to lunch in the dining room, to sit peacefully in the lovely gardens attached to the unit or to watch TV or socialise in the lounge together.

In addition to Frail-Care, post-operative care is available and residents are welcome to book themselves into the unit for short stays if necessary. There are seven assisted-living bedsitters close to the Frail Care unit and although the occupants of these bedsitters are able to live more independently than the residents of Frail Care, all meals, cleaning, laundry and other services are provided for them

Additional healthcare facilities
  • Emergency assistance is available 24/7 for all residents of Golden Harvest.
  • The resort is within easy travelling distance of a number of hospitals, including Pinehaven Hospital near Cradlestone Mall, Krugersdorp Private Hospital and the Sir Albert Medical Centre in Randfontein, amongst others.
  • A number of pharmacies, including two local ones in Magaliesburg, deliver supplies as requested and several laboratories collect and deliver.
  • Crutches, walkers, oxygen bottles and other equipment is available for hire at a nominal fee.
  • Golden Harvest has a visiting doctor, a general practitioner, who visits Golden Harvest in the mornings, Monday to Thursday and this doctor is also on emergency call 24/7, but the residents are able to receive visits from other doctors and specialists as they choose.
  • You can visit the Frail Care unit for small procedures such as changing dressings, blood pressure tests or injections.
  • A panic button system which ensures 24 hour emergency response.